Tasteecat Comics grades comics based on the Overstreet Price Guides grading structure in combination with the standard's set by CGC
Several factors should be considered before a grade is assigned to a comic book/magazine. Below is some grading criteria to help understand the complexities involved, click for full information:
The Overstreet Comic Price Guide was first published in 1970, and has
been published annually since. Tasteecat Comics owner Ken Dyber is one of the selected dealer/collectors who advises to this price guide.
Initially the guide had 3 line listings (pricing tiers): Good (GD), Fine
(FN), & Mint (MT).
Now the guide has 6 line listings, as terminology has expanded over the
years: Good (GD), Very Good (VG), Fine (FN), Very Fine (VF), Very Fine/NM
(VF/NM) & Near Mint- (NM-).
Additionally numeric grades now correspond with these grades on a 10 point
Below is a brief explanation of the Overstreet grading structure.
MINT (MT) | 9.9-10
Near perfect in every way. Only the most subtle bindery or printing defects
are allowed. Cover is flat with no surface wear. Cover inks are bright
with high reflectivity and minimal fading. Corners are cut square and
sharp. Staples are generally centered, clean with no rust. Cover is generally
well centered and firmly secured to interior pages. Paper is supple and
fresh. Spine is tight and flat.
NEAR MINT+ (NM+) | 9.6/9.8
A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than
a NM+, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a MT
9.9. In most cases the comic book has a better appearance than a NM+.
Nearly perfect with only minor imperfections allowed. This grade should
have no corner of impact creases, stress marks should be almost invisible,
and bindery tears must be less than 1/16 inch. A couple of very tiny color
flecks, or a combination of the above that keeps the book from being perfect,
where the overall eye appeal is less than Mint drops the book into this
grade. Only the most subtle binging and/or printing defects allowed. Cover
is flat with no surface wear. Cover inks are bright with high reflectivity
and minimum of fading. Corners are cut square and sharp with ever so slight
blunting permitted. Staples are generally centered, clean with no rust.
Cover is well centered and firmly secured to interior pages. Paper is
supple and like new. Spine is tight and flat.
A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than
a VF+, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a NM-.
In most cases the comic book has a better appearance than a VF+.
VERY FINE (VF) | 8.0
An excellent copy with outstanding eye appeal. Sharp, bright and clean
with supple pages. Cover is relatively flat with almost no surface wear.
Cover inks are generally bright with moderate to high reflectivity. Staples
may show some discoloration. Spine may have a couple of almost insignificant
transverse stress lines and is almost completely flat. A barely unnoticeable
¼ inch crease is acceptable, if color is not broken. Pages and
covers can be yellowish/tannish (at the least, but no brown and will usually
be off-white to white).
A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than
a FN+, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a VF-.
In most cases, the comic book has a better appearance than a FN+.
FINE (FN) | 6.0
An above-average copy that shows minor wear but is still relatively flat
and clean with no significant creasing or other serious defects. Eye appeal
is somewhat reduced because of slight surface wear and possibly a small
defect such as a few slight cross stress marks on spine or a very slight
spine split (1/4"). A Fine condition comic book appears to have
been read a few times and has been handled with moderate care. Compared
to a VF, cover inks are beginning to show a significant reduction in reflectivity,
but it is still a highly collectible and desirable book. Pages and interior
covers may be tan, but pages must still be fairly supple with no signs
of brittleness.
A comic book that has enough positive qualities to make it better than
a VG+, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a FN-.
In most cases the comic book has a better appearance than a VG+.
VERY GOOD (VG) | 4.0
The average used comic book. A comic in this grade shows some wear, can
have a reading or center crease or a moderately rolled spine, but has
not accumulated enough total defects to reduce eye appeal to the point
that it is not a desirable copy. Some discoloration, fading and even minor
soiling is allowed. As much as a ¼Æ triangle can be missing
out of the corner or edge. A missing square piece (1/8" by 1/8")
is also acceptable. Store stamps, name stamps, arrival dates, initials,
etc. have no effect on this grade. Cover and interior pages can have some
minor tears and folds and the centerfold may be detached at one staple.
The cover may also be loose, but not completely detached. Common bindery
and printing defects do not affect grade. Pages and inside covers may
be brown but not brittle. Tape should never be used for comic book repair;
however, many VG condition comics have minor tape repair.
A comic book that has enough positive qualities to keep it better that
a GD+, but has enough detracting qualities to keep it from being a VG-.
In most cases the comic book has a better appearance than a GD+.
GOOD (GD) | 2.0
A copy in this grade has all pages and covers, although There may be small
pieces missing inside; the largest piece allowed from front or back cover
is a ½" triangle or square ¼" by ¼".
Books in this grade are commonly creased, scuffed, abraded, soiled and
may have as much as a 2" spine split, but are still completely readable.
Often, paper quality is low but not brittle. Cover reflectivity is low,
and in some cases, completely absent. This grade can have a moderate accumulation
of defects, but still maintains its basic structural integrity.
FAIR/GOOD (FR/GD) | 1.5/1.8
A comic book that has enough positive qualities to keep it better than
a FR+, but has enough detracting qualities to keep if from being a GD-.
In most cases the comic book has a better appearance than a FR+.
FAIR (FR) | 1.0
A copy in this grade is usually soiled, ragged, and possibly unattractive.
Creases, tears and/or folds are prevalent. Spine may be split up to 2/3rds
its entire length. Staples may be gone. Up to 1/10th of the front cover
may be missing. These books are readable, although soiling, staining,
tears, markings or chunks missing may moderately interfere with reading
the complete story. Some collectors consider this the lowest collectible
grade because comic books in lesser condition are usually defaced and/or
brittle. Very often paper quality is low and may have slight brittleness
around the edges, but not in the central portions of the pages. Comic
books in this grade may have a clipped coupon, so long as it is noted
along side of the nomenclature, i.e.: ôFair (1.0) Coupon Clipped.ö
Valued at 50-70% of good.
POOR (PR) | 0.5
Most comic books in this grade have been sufficiently degraded to the
point that copies may have extremely severe stains, missing staples, brittleness,
mildew or moderate to heavy cover abrasion to the point that some cover
inks are indistinct/absent. Comic books in this grade can have small chunks
missing and pieces out of pages. They may have been defaced with paints,
varnishes, glues, oil, indelible markers or dyes. Covers may be split
the entire length of the book, but both halves must be present and basically
still there with some chunks missing. A page(s) may be missing as long
as it is noted along side of the nomenclature; i.e.: ôPOOR (0.5)
2nd Page Missing.ö Value depends on extent of defects, but would
average about 1/3 of GOOD.
Copyright © 1992-2006 Gemstone Publishing, Inc. Reproduced with permission
of the author.
Overstreet is a registered trademark of Gemstone Publishing, Inc.
The following list represents a more detailed breakdown of Overstreet's
explanation above, and also corresponds with the numeric grades assigned
by CGC:
9.9 - Mint (MT)
9.8 - NM/MT
9.6 - NM+
9.4 - NM
9.2 - NM-
9.0 - VF/NM
8.5 - VF+
8.0 - VF
7.5 - VF-
7.0 - FN/VF
6.5 - FN+
6.0 - FN
5.5 - FN-
5.0 - VG/FN
4.5 - VG+
4.0 - VG
3.5 - VG-
3.0 - GD/VG
2.5 - GD+
2.0 - GD
1.8 - GD-
1.5 - Fair
1.0 - Poor
.5 - Poor-/Incomplete
Before a comic book's true value can be assessed, its condition or
state of preservation must be determined. In all comic books, the better
the condition, the more desirable and valuable the book. Therefore it is
very important to be able to properly grade your books.
Check inside pages, inside spine and covers and outside spine and covers
for any tears, markings, brittleness, tape, soiling, chunks out or other
defects that would affect the grade. The grading of a comic book is done
by simply looking at the book and describing its condition, which may range
from absolutely perfect newsstand condition MINT to extremely worn, dirty,
and torn POOR.
Numerous variables influence the evaluation of a comic
bookÆs condition. Although the grade of a comic book is based upon
an accumulation of defects, some defects may be more extreme for a particular
grade as long as other acceptable listed defects are almost non-existent.
As grading is the most subjective aspect of determining a comic's
value, it is very important that the grader be careful not to allow wishful
thinking to influence what the eyes see. It is also very important to
realize that older comics in MINT condition are extremely scarce and are
rarely advertised for sale; most of the higher grade comics advertised
range from VERY FINE to NEAR MINT.
This refers to what it says, the "quality" of the comics pages
and is an often overlooked aspect of grading by many novice graders (don't
just come up with your grade by the books cover!).
A general page quality range is as follows:
Off White to White
Off White
Light Tan to Off White
Pink to Off White
Cream to Off White
Tan to Cream
Slightly Brittle
Brittle - The worst; the paper is basically falling apart.
Here is a link to a great resource from the CGC Chat Boards that lists all the different page qualities and various scans of CGC certified books associated with those grades:
www.bipcomics.com/showcase/CGCWhiteness TOP